







来源: 日期:2024-02-21 发布人:创始人


The care for the elderly in the bathroom is reflected in the details. Considering the frequent squatting and sitting during the bathroom process, which poses a greater threat to the safety of the elderly, we need to start with details to safeguard their bathroom safety.


1、 Why buy bathroom handrails


In fact, my new house doesn't have handrails installed in the bathroom. If it weren't for my mom telling me that she almost slipped onto a smooth tile floor a few times last time, I probably wouldn't have thought of buying this thing.


Due to the installation of two in the bathroom of my hometown, I also started installing one in my new room. After all, if you are worried about slipping after taking a shower, you can grab the armrest.


2、 Key points for purchasing bathroom handrails


From the process of my own purchase and use, I have found that although there are many details to pay attention to when selecting bathroom handrails, I think there are three main aspects that need to be focused on:


1. Installation method of bathroom handrails

我买过吸盘式的卫生间扶手和打孔用螺丝嵌入的卫生间扶手。 从使用的安 全角度做对比,打孔用螺丝的安装方式还是要比吸盘式的 好。

I have bought suction cup style bathroom handrails and perforated bathroom handrails embedded with screws. From a safety perspective, the installation method using screws for punching holes is still better than the suction cup type.

①吸盘式卫生间扶手吸盘式卫生间扶手这种样式的主要通过吸力固定在墙壁上,不过对于墙壁不光滑和旧的瓷砖墙面不太适合。这种吸盘式卫生间扶手安装比较简单,清理干净墙壁表面后就可以安装,抓力也是特别强。很多人担心这种吸盘式卫生间扶手不安 全,哪天突然掉下来,不过这样的担心也是可以理解,毕竟这种吸盘式的卫生间扶手也需要定期检查一下粘力。

① The suction cup style bathroom armrest is mainly fixed to the wall through suction, but it is not suitable for uneven walls and old ceramic tile walls. This suction cup style bathroom armrest is relatively easy to install. After cleaning the wall surface, it can be installed, and the grip is also very strong. Many people are worried that this suction cup style bathroom armrest is not safe and may suddenly fall off one day. However, such concerns are understandable, as this suction cup style bathroom armrest also needs to be regularly checked for adhesion.


② Punched screws embedded in bathroom handrails


Perforated bathroom handrails require drilling holes in the walls of the bathroom at home. Don't think it's troublesome to drill holes, as it can be a challenge for those who have never installed it before.


The perforated bathroom armrest has a stronger grip compared to the suction cup installation, so there is no need to worry about the screws falling off suddenly. Moreover, the screws themselves are embedded inside the armrest and are not easy to oxidize, allowing them to be used for a long time.


For wall drilling, all you need to do is prepare a small electric drill in advance, find a suitable locations on the wall to drill a few holes, and use a screwdriver to tighten the metal plate and screws.


Of course, if you are installing it on the glass in the bathroom, then you need to buy a suction cup style bathroom armrest.


2. The load-bearing capacity of bathroom handrails

卫生间扶手的承重能 力 主要通过扶手螺丝孔数量决定,螺丝孔越多,所需要的螺丝就需要,拧紧后的卫生间扶手自然用手抓住的承重能力强。

The load-bearing capacity of the bathroom armrest is mainly determined by the number of screw holes on the armrest. The more screw holes there are, the more screws are needed. After tightening, the bathroom armrest naturally has a strong load-bearing capacity when held by hand.



For the elderly, installing perforated bathroom handrails at home is still particularly important. Although the grip of the elderly may not be as strong as that of young people, the grip and load-bearing capacity of the handrails are important because they need to be constantly held by the hand during use.


3. Is the surface of the bathroom armrest non slip


I once bought an all stainless steel bathroom armrest. What I valued was that it was not easy to rust and was sturdy and durable. However, I never expected that after taking a shower, the residual water on my hands would touch the surface, causing my hands to slip and almost fall to the ground.


Later on, I was thinking, fortunately, I didn't put on this kind of outfit for my mom and dad. When purchasing bathroom handrails, it is advisable to choose handrails with more surface grooves, especially those with raised particles, which can effectively increase friction.


This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan's protective handrail. For more information, please click: Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned






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